Headline today on the NY Post’s website: “Man shot in broad daylight on Queens Subway.” Uh. . . . The subway is underground. So it can’t be in daylight, broad or narrow.
Pi day 3-14, is an inconsequential day someone came up with to make people think about math. In observance of Pi day, 3-14, Someone who works for Google has set a new world record. My mind does work in mathematical ways. I have a terrible memory for names and for the sequence in which some things happened, but for some strange reason, even though I haven’t taken geometry since ninth grade, I still remember the value of Pi to five decimal places. What I had for breakfast this morning, not so much.
A man who announces he’s running for the Democratic nomination for President on a Wednesday in El Paso, TX, should probably consider getting a better PR consultant.
Actor Jussie Smollett, of the TV show “Empire” was indicted on 16 felony counts a while back for allegedly staging the widely reported racist, homophobic attack he claimed to have suffered in January, and then lying about it to police. Some reports claim he staged the attack to stop from being written off his tv series. Others say he was unhappy with his salary. Defending himself against a 16-count felony indictment is expensive, even if he is acquitted. This is why you should hire a PR professional, instead of drumming up press coverage yourself.
TV news people should stop saying we have an extra hour of daylight. We don’t. We’re just getting up before dawn now, so in the evening, it seems like the sun shines longer. In England, they don’t set the clocks ahead until the end of the month. At least by then I won’t be waking up before dawn anymore. Maybe we should go back to starting daylight saving time a little later in the year, the way we used to.
I’d like to move to Florida. My wife wouldn’t. She’s correct that I won’t move without her, so if we’re going to stay here, I should investigate replacing my tumble-down, 80-or-90-year-old garage.