Thursday, another maniac shot his way into a place, this time a newsroom in Maryland, killing five people. Clearly one thing that would help the rash of these shootings is bullet-proof thoughts and prayers.
Dan Ingram died this month, at 83, of side effects from Parkinson’s Disease. He retired from radio about 15 years ago. In his time, he was the best top 40 DJ I ever heard. He was great at adlibbing. It was Dan who dubbed the lower level of the George Washington Bridge the Martha Washington Bridge. Think about it.
He was also in demand as a voiceover artist. Even if you don’t live in New York, where he made his mark in radio on WABC and WCBS FM, you’ve heard him on commercials. If you grew up in New York from the 60’s to the early 2000’s, and you make it to the beach this summer, “Roll your bod,” in Big Dan’s honor. RIP Kemosabe.
We went to California in May, so I was looking at hotels around the airport in San Francisco to stay at the night before we came back. Last time we went, I waited too long to do that. Even if your bio clock is on east-coast time, getting up at 3:30 AM in Sacramento to get to SFO in time for a 7:30 AM flight is a bummer. Maybe seven years ago, we stayed at the Inn at Oyster Point, and liked it a lot. So, I was disappointed to find out that it closed last year. We only stayed there once, so maybe that’s why it closed.
I have a simple solution to one problem with Yosemite National Park. If you get there after around nine in the morning, parking at the visitors’ center is pretty hard to find. Simple solution: valet parking!
I find when browsing reddit that you can almost always skip the first paragraph of each post. Usually the second paragraph too. You can thank me later.