I seem to be late mentioning this most years, but material posted to Sisyphusproject.org is copyright 2008 – 2017. All rights reserved.
This isn’t a complaint, by any means, but I have noticed that the lady on the cover of Sports Illustrated’s 2017 swimsuit issue isn’t wearing a whole swimsuit.
The Powerball jackpot this Saturday night is $349,000,000! And, since Monday is a holiday, if any of us win, we can’t collect until Tuesday. Just in time, I have a new plan. If I win, I will jump on the bed, but that won’t be the first thing I do. First, I’ll giggle all day Sunday, and all day Monday as well.
Black Sabbath recently performed its “Final Concert” in the pioneer heavy-metal band’s hometown of Birmingham, UK. So many performers have had much-ballyhooed final appearances, and then continued appearing, that I hereby propose a new law: Once you’ve charged extra for a final appearance, you are no longer allowed to charge admission to any other shows you give for the rest of your life. Maybe Black Sabbath will never do another concert, who knows?
I don’t want to stamp out live shows. I want to do away with faux final appearances. For example, I don’t know how many final appearances Barbra Streisand has made so far, but she’s got at least nine shows scheduled in 2017.
My wife and daughter both have jobs meeting the public. I don’t. I got a flu shot. They didn’t. All three of us got the flu. But between Tamiflu and the fact that I got a flu shot, I was only sick for 48 hours. They were sick for a week or more. Flu shots and Tamiflu are both great stuff. I recommend them highly. My wife told me that if she doesn’t get a flu shot on her own this fall, I should drag her by the hair to get one. I want her to get a flu shot, but me dragging her by the hair is never going to happen.
Congratulations to our son, and our daughter-in-law. They are in contract to purchase their first house.
It might change in the future, but for now, I’m making a conscious effort not to discuss President Trump too much. I didn’t vote for him, but he did win the election. I do hope he calms down. If he’s going to be the leader of the free world, he’s way too sensitive to criticism and way too defensive.