Over the weekend, every Democrat on the national political scene called FBI Director James Comey’s letter to Congress, “unprecedented.” What may have happened is unprecedented. The FBI exposes crimes, and possible crimes all the time.
Comey is in a damned if you do, and damned if you don’t situation. He revealed the possible existence of new, previously concealed emails from Hillary Clinton. Remember, that’s possible existence, not existence, or at least not existence yet. If there’s nothing there, he’ll possibly have influenced the Presidential election. If he didn’t reveal them, and they prove to be something, he would be excoriated for a cover up. Remember too, nothing that’s covered up ever stays covered up.
I know that Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner are both public figures, but how can anyone, even two anyones, have 650-thousand emails on one laptop computer, and why would two high-level government officials share one laptop for work?
To be clear, I am a person who always votes. I once voted by absentee ballot in a school board election, but I’m so appalled by the choices we face next week that I may not cast a vote for President this year.
There will be baseball in Cleveland on Tuesday. I’d like to see the Cubs win the World Series, but more than that, I would have hated to see the Indians win it at Wrigley Field.
Dos Equis beer has a new most interesting man in the world. He can tie one hand behind his back with one hand tied behind his back. I guess a new most interesting man makes sense; they shot the old one into space a while ago.
I am astonished that Ammon and Ryan Bundy, and their cohort were acquitted recently on charges stemming from their occupation of federal land in Oregon last year. I can’t fathom what the jury could possibly have been thinking, or whether they were thinking at all.