Since the first night of Hanukkah and Christmas Eve coincide this year, who’s going to anchor the TV news tomorrow night?
Now that the electoral college has voted, how soon after he takes office before one of the sore losers begins impeachment proceedings against President Trump? I didn’t vote for either one of them. Still, I hope the level of sore losing exhibited by many Clinton supporters proves unfounded. I already think it’s unprecedented, at least in my lifetime. I suggest it’s time to stop name calling, and to save the criticism for things he proposes and things he actually does.
Do the people who want to do away with the electoral college want to do away with the U.S. Senate and allow Congressional district lines to cross state lines too? I mean that would only be consistent, right?
Have the people who want to do away with the electoral college considered that it would require an amendment to the US Constitution, and amending the Constitution isn’t a one person-one vote proposition either? It requires ratification by two thirds of the states. Does anyone think Utah, Nebraska, Montana, or either Dakota among others would ever vote to abolish the electoral college?
Joan Baez has been elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Isn’t that all the evidence you need that the place needs to change its name? No quarrels about her as a musician or as a cultural figure. But I am unaware of any song she’s ever sung that would be considered rock.
What’s the point of security cameras when the images are usually so blurry you can’t recognize anyone in the picture or read a license plate either?
Bath sheets are about 80 percent larger than bath towels, so why do they cost twice as much?