Have you ever experienced anything “express” on or even near the Staten Island Expressway? I only ask because I didn’t again today.
If checkout time at my hotel is 11:00 AM, why does the free wifi expire at 6:08 PM?
Since the use of air conditioning became widespread, has any hotel or motel anywhere in the world been built with a quiet HVAC system?
I like to go to major-league baseball games, but usually go to only one a year because they’ve so expensive. A seat in the upper deck costs more these days than a field box seat cost 20 years ago. I went to one recently which made me wonder once again, why do they even bother with batter’s boxes? The first right-handed batter in the first inning obliterated the back line in the batter’s box. After that, if the umpires enforced the rule about batter’s boxes, every right-handed batter would have been out on every ball put in play because every single one of them had his right foot out of the box. Left-handed batters tended to stand farther up in the batter’s box because they want to eliminate an extra step or two when running to first base.
Have you ever done something advertently?
If you say or do something only once, is that dundant?
Whatever happened to velour upholstery for cars? On the other hand, I recently sat on velour upholstery in a tour bus.
And while I’m remembering days gone by, whatever happened to brown cars? Not UPS-truck brown, you understand. I’m talking about metallic shades of brown, bronze and copper. In fact, what happened to colors on cars altogether? Most of the cars I see around here these days are black, white, grey or silver.
Since the word “upholstery“is spelled with an h, why isn’t it pronounced the way it’s spelled? You know, why isn’t it pronounced ufolstery?
Sword? Board? Since both words are pronounced similarly, why are they spelled so differently?