Today is the second anniversary of the Sisyphus Project. If I’ve ever said anything profound here, I assure you it was unintentional. I can’t guarantee profundity will continue to be unintentional, but that’s my intent for now.
I threw out the bagels that were left over from the weekend. It’s rumored that David killed Goliath with a two-day-old bagel.
If I didn’t like doo wop music, I might never have learned that sympathy is a five syllable word.
Sometimes I’m unable to listen to Prairie Home Companion on NPR on Saturday at dinner time. When that happens, I can catch it later at night if I stream a public radio station farther west.
Loving someone a lot more or a lot less than they love you is a recipe for disaster. At least it was the two times I cooked it up.
Both of my shoulders have been surgically repaired. I should have bought the extended warranty. One of the repairs lasted about a year and I think I loused the other one up on Friday when I slipped on the ice and grabbed on to a car in a futile attempt to keep from falling.
If you can afford to donate 2 million Canadian dollars to charity so you can have lunch with Warren Buffet, you probably wont benefit from Mr. Buffetts advice as much as someone who doesn’t have that kind of money would.
Heads up for the gullible. Besides this one, I own two other domain names that end in .org. Today, I received an offer to buy one of them as a .com name for only $99. I’m not going to, but out of curiosity, I checked on line to see if I could buy the domain name for less. There were lots of places I could find it. Only checked one and they wanted $8.95 for a year. So if someone tries to sell you a domain name, look elsewhere to see if their offer a good deal.