Things I Know

  • Doug McIntyre on WABC said something profound in the five-o’clock hour this morning.  He said, “Nobody ever calls the cops because they’re having a good day.”

  • Nobody ever accused me of waiting until the last minute, unless of course they were serious.  I filed my 2008 income taxes last night at 10:00 PM.  And, yes, I filed the extension at around 10:00 PM on April 14th.

  • It costs the government less and doesn’t take as long either to process your income tax return electronically, as opposed to handling your paper return.  So, the government ought to encourage electronic filing instead of allowing companies to charge you a significant amount of money to do it.  I paid, because I wanted the convenience, but as a money decision, I got a very small refund and it would have been cheaper for me if I printed the thing out and mailed it in.

  • I won’t like this winter any better than I liked last winter.  A guy on the Weather Channel last night around dinner time said the 40 degree temperatures taking place in the Midwest are more like winter than fall.  There’s a guy who’s never been to Minnesota in January.

  • Since I root for the Mets and whoever is playing the Dodgers, I still have a rooting interest in the post season.  I was for the Cardinals, but the Dodgers have, after all, made the NLCS.

  • I don’t like all the extra days of rest that have been inserted into the post-season schedule this year.

  • The lords of baseball may be surprised that the Rockies made the playoffs, but they can’t be surprised it snows in Denver in October.  Some year, the Rockies will make the World Series and, under the new schedule, they’ll be playing baseball in Denver in November.  Note to the lords of baseball:  you’re supposed to play winter ball in South and Central America and the Caribbean, not in the Rocky Mountains.

  • Almost every time a baseball player checks his swing, the bat still crosses the plate and it should still be called a strike.

  • It would not upset me if you didn’t know what points are on a mortgage because you’re young and don’t own a house.  That wouldn’t upset me unless you were young, didn’t own a house, didn’t know what points are on a mortgage, and worked in the mortgage servicing department of the bank that holds my mortgage.  That bank is, of course,  Or maybe it’s by now.

Author: Tom

I know my ABC's, I can write my name and I can count to a hundred.