My wife and I have a symbiotic relationship. It reveals itself in two main ways: She’s adorable, and I adore her; plus I lose things and she finds them.
One of the extremely few things my wife has ever done that annoys me is when I lost something, she would ask me where I had it last. It annoyed me, of course, because if I knew where, the missing item would not be lost, would it?
She has mostly stopped doing that because she knows it annoys me and she is seldom interested in doing that. But I’ve taken it up.
I own a good (relatively expensive) photo scanner. Three months ago, in preparation for a high school reunion, I was looking for it. I was on the reunion committee and wanted to help prepare a slide show. The scanner should have been in one of two places, a chair in one corner of our dining room, or in what my wife calls the den and I (more accurately) describe as our junk room. I couldn’t find it and neither could my wife.
Today, three months later, I found it. Our junk room was once a porch. It has a slanted ceiling. I’m not sure it’s grand enough to be called cathedral. The room also has a closet that doesn’t go all the way up to the ceiling. The top of the closet could be used to store things, but you would need a ladder to see them. That’s where the scanner was.
I told my wife I had found the scanner. She asked me where it was. I told her it was where I had it last. That didn’t annoy her because she tolerates my sense of humor. In fact, the second thing that attracted me to her was that she tolerated my jokes and even laughed at some of them. I was only 18 when I noticed her, so I’m not quite that shallow anymore, but the first thing that attracted me to her is she was pretty. Since then, I’ve found innumerable things to love about her, I’m not going to continue the “where I had it last” gag for very much longer. Why? I don’t want to annoy her.