My bank charges a significant premium on the exchange rate when I purchase foreign currency from it. If I charge a purchase in a foreign currency, my credit card company adds a much smaller amount to the exchange rate when converting that purchase to US dollars. But the credit card company and the bank are the same company. Why do you suppose they do that?
I have an even number of feet, and an odd number of socks. How did that happen?
When you fly British Airways, does the captain sit in the right-hand seat in the cockpit?
Why does the outside of a toilet get so dirty? Nobody I know tries to dirty the outside of one.
Why is it that when I sneeze, I almost always sneeze three times in a row?
Have you had your flu shot yet? I got mine yesterday and you really should. Two years ago, my wife and daughter had public-facing jobs. I don’t. I got a flu shot. They didn’t. They got sick for a week or so. They gave it to me too, but I got sick for only two days.