It’s Palm Sunday, and I know what that means. I have one week to clear away all the stuff I have stored on the dining room table, and put the Christmas tablecloth away.
My friend, Richard (not Feder) and no longer of New Jersey, let alone Fort Lee has resumed blogging. His blog is recommended by my blog. You’ll find a link to the Riklblog below and to the right. I’m happy to see he has resumed writing it.
I’ve complained previously that the audiologist I visit has no regard for punctuality. Six days after my last visit, I received a post card telling me it was time for me to come in for a checkup. Why did it come six days after my visit? Because it was mailed three days after my visit.
I had two teeth pulled on Monday. If I think of something that having teeth pulled is better than, I’ll let you know. The oral surgeon gave me antibiotics to stave off infection. But the pills are the biggest I’ve ever had. I think they kill germs by crushing them to death.
If my daughter was right that the tooth fairy brings people my age dentures instead of money when we lose teeth, then she is late—very late.
The new principal at Harrisburg HS in Harrisburg PA reportedly suspended almost half the student body recently because those suspended had at least five unexcused absences in a nine-week period. She has a point. Going to school is important for learning. It’s also an important discipline to learn because only showing up for a job when you feel like it will get you fired in the real world. Public schools don’t have a lot of options for disciplining students either. Still, if I understand correctly, the punishment for not going to school is not being allowed to go to school. A lot of those kids are probably thinking, “Great!”