Last week, I was observing to my wife that even though the election was only three weeks away (and now less than two), we hadn’t heard a word from either New York Senator Charles Schumer, or his opponent, Wendy Long. The thought was hardly out of my mouth when a deluge of commercials began for Senator Schumer, including one featuring a guy I used to work with, Jeff Veatch.
Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano and Oyster Bay Supervisor John Venditto were indicted last week on federal corruption charges. If they did what they’re charged with doing they may have thrown the Republicans running in Nassau County, NY under the bus. More than that, they may swing the majority in the New York State Senate from Republican to Democratic too. Republicans only hold the majority because of a coalition with some rebellious Democrats. Only one or two seats changing hands could repaint the entire picture. Damage is done even if they’re both acquitted because their trials will take place long after the election.
Five women I went to high school with wished my wife and me a happy wedding anniversary recently on Facebook. Saint Karen (she must be a saint to put up with me) and I have similar senses of humor. We each thought perhaps they were all thinking, “Better her than me.”
A year ago, around this time, I complained about how much the Nissan dealer charged me to replace tire pressure monitors. I replaced two of them in two months. At least one more has failed, but I haven’t replaced it. I’ve decided to live with the warning light lit up. After all, I have two tire gauges and the two of them together are much less expensive than the inflated (Sorry. I couldn’t help myself) price the dealer charges for one TPMS replacement sensor. But, I probably will replace the two remaining sensors soon, when I need new tires on the truck.
I’ve been informed that the idea of having Charlie Sheen throw out the first pitch in a Cleveland World Series Game was widely discussed on sports talk radio in Cleveland. The consensus was that Sheen’s antics as the character Ricky Vaughn in the movie “Major League” were funny. Sheen’s antics in real life, much less so. I just thought it would be funny. I also think it would be funny to have Bob Uecker in the broadcast booth for a little while during a game. Uecker was the Cleveland play-by-play announcer in the same movie. Uecker is 81 and retired, so I don’t know if he would be interested, or able to do that, but it would also be amusing.