It was hard for me to believe, but Trevor Noah said something funny the other day. I’m not in the demographic the Comedy Channel is targeting with the Daily Show, so they probably don’t care, but I just don’t find Mr. Noah. Funny. YMMV. But the other night, he was joking about breaking into Donald Trump’s house. He said it was easy to defeat the alarm system because the password was TRUMP.
I told Saint Karen (who has to be a saint to put up with me) a terrible joke. Those are the best kind. I think it was, what do you call a patronizing criminal who is going downstairs? You know, a condescending con descending. She made a face, that face. Before she could say a word, I said, “You knew long before you married me.” She admitted that’s true, and that’s one of the reasons I love her.
This morning, while we were both looking for my wallet, she said I was driving her crazy. I told her I’m pretty sure she’s immune. After all, it has never taken me this long to make anyone else nuts.
I recorded CBS Sunday Morning on my DVR. I started watching it 18 minutes after it began. By fast forwarding through the teases and the commercials, it took me 41 minutes to catch up.
We need to try again to understand the meaning of the word “after.” NY Post headline: “Man injured after suicide attempt at mall.” I’m just guessing here, but the suicide attempt is probably what caused him to be injured. Man injured by suicide attempt at mall, would be more accurate.
I’m disappointed. While I came up with the pun “electile dysfunction” all by myself, I Googled it afterwards and found lots of other people came up with it both independently and before I did.