In almost all school districts on Long Island, voting on the school budget and on candidates for school board takes place today. If you are eligible to vote, please do so.
Our beloved mayor thinks the people of our beloved village ought to vote against the school budget because in his judgment the school superintendent makes too much money. All school superintendents on Long Island receive extremely generous salary and benefit packages and ours is nearer to the bottom than the top. If you are eligible to vote, please do so.
All school superintendents on Long Island, including ours, work under employment contracts, so even if the school budget is defeated, it won’t affect the school superintendents salary and I have to assume our beloved mayor knows that. If our beloved mayor knows that, his position is a text-book example of demagoguery. If you are eligible to vote, please do so.
I’m told (but don’t know for sure) that our beloved mayor objects to the school superintendents salary at least in part because it’s almost twice what our beloved mayor makes. Our beloved mayor is elected; the school superintendent isn’t. School board members are elected and don’t receive any salary at all while our beloved mayor’s salary is in six figures. If you are eligible to vote, please do so.